So some updates on the show. As you can tell episode 1 still hasn't been finished, which isn't great news, however there are some reasons. The first reason is basically everything I made last year besides the scripts was a waste, because I used the wrong program for Flash. So once I finish remaking everything the rest of the episodes will be made much faster. Another reason is the animation I do is improving as I go, and I'm excited for everyone to see it. I get an idea for something and then I have to do it, so expect some pretty good animation.
Over time, I've been able to figure out how long it will take for me to finish episodes. However, I won't officially know until I start episode 2, which make be not as long with episode 1, but slightly long because I'll still be making some new character poses during the time. Anyway, it takes about 15 minutes to actually do the animating for the character, so the drawing part is the longest which I won't need to do for the rest of the episodes. Either later today or this week I'll upload a picture or two with some character poses so you can see them.