1) I had to make a 15 minute video for school (took a month due to multiple video editing program problems), Perform an intense scene for Theater after school, and start to wrap up school work.
2) I recently learned I've been using the wrong ratio size for RTVGI, so I've had to change all the scenes to the right size (it wasn't too hard, it just required more work)
3) I've been animating at school mostly and we all have our own "H" drive, and mine became full during this month so I had to clear out some useless files in order to work on animation again.
Basically I'm gonna do as much as I can while school starts to wrap up and then really get down to business during last summer. I've made it where I'm almost positive I won't run into any problems (unlike last summer) and I will finish episodes much faster.
I can guarantee episode 1 will be finished this summer and it's really exciting! Like I've said many times, episodes will be made faster once I finish episode 1, because I've had to create so many bg's, poses, etc. and I won't need to do that for the rest of the episodes. I might need to do a background or so, but it won't be too hard. Plus characters will start to be eliminated which I feel will be easier to animate the less characters I have.
Anyway, this was just a quick update for everyone keeping track of the show.
Also, I recently uploaded a more current version of the original RTVGI Preview, check it out!
I'm still pondering whether or not to upload episode 1 just for my voice actors, or for everyone...hmm...
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