Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Last Rotation

The rotations are now finished! After three months of working on them, I'm finally done! Now I just to finish the backgrounds!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

14 Down 5 to Go!

It's almost done! Only five more rotations are left! I've already finished a team, and soon I'll finish another! Then, the redone backgrounds begin!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Set of Rotations!

Like I said earlier, I'd start a new post for the rest of my rotations, and here it is! As before, I'll keep editting the post when I make a new rotation!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Blog Header

What do you think?

I was posting a new character rotation when I noticed how badly made that header was. So I decided to create a much better one, and I personally think it's the best one I've had yet! Also, when I finish my next character rotation, I'll be starting a new post for them.

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Confessional

After looking the first one I thought it was too boring and plain, and TDMEpisodespage agreed with me. So I changed it to a more realistic, cabiny one.

Monday, September 13, 2010

More Rotations!

Here's more rotations I've made. I'll edit this post everytime I finish one so you can see it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jessica Rotation

Here's the first character rotation of the show! Sorry it's only one, but the next time I post I'll add more. Also, we've gotten a cool suprise for you all. The show has gotten it's very own voice actors! So now you won't have to read text, you get to hear voices.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More Backgrounds

This is the front and the angle of the West Team Location.

This is the East Team Location. I felt like it'd be funnier that they'd get a crappier place to stay at.

This is like a confessional, except it's more like other reality shows, where the people just appear there, like they don't go somewhere, like an outhouse or makeup booth.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Final Cast (Plus the Host!)

Alright everyone, the moment you've all been waiting for.....The Entire Cast with color, the host, and now, their names and profiles!!!!

Top Row:

Kent (The Punk): Kent is always trying to bring someone else pain even if its his own family.

Devonté (The Tough Guy): Devonté is one of the toughest guys you'll meet, but is there a softer side to him as well?

Joseph (The Cool Dude): Joseph never gets too excited, but is always the most calm guys you'll ever know.

Macy (The Conceded Geek): Macy is a smelly, trading card obsessed, geek. She always wears a scarf and has dog fur on her.

Ro'chelle (The Loud-Mouth): Ro'chelle is a crazy girl. She carries a phone with her, and is not someone you want to tell a secret to.

Middle Row:

Zack (The Average Guy): Zack is pretty normal, but he gets very shy around girls. He hopes to find a girlfriend during the show.

Miranda (The Deciever): Miranda is sneaky, she can say one thing, and then do the opposite of it. She's definately not the most trustworthy person.

LeQuisha (The Quiet Girl): LeQuisha is a pretty active girl, but at first she's very shy and quiet. She'll get over that after she gets to know people.

Tyson (The Surfer): Not only is Tyson the surfer, but he is also the most competitive person probably on the show. He is a true villain.

Nick (The B-Ball Player): Nick always has his basketball with him at all times. He is an athlete but isn't the smartest contestant.

Jessica (The Popular Girl): Jessica is really friendly and kind to everyone. Or is she?

Trevor (The Musician) He has the role that Trent has in TDI and does have a good personality.

Mike (The Nerd): Mike has conflicts with some characters on his team but he still is okay when you get to know him.

Bottom Row:

Jamie (The Obsessive Cleaner): Jamie is obsessed with cleaning. If she sees something dirty, she has got to clean it. And for some reason, she's very protective of her hair.

Chelsea (The Hippie): Chelsea's sweater is totally made of grass which shows her love for living things and nature.

Aaron(The Cocky Guy): Aaron is very conceded of himself. He thinks he's awesome, and already knows he's gonna win this game.

Sara (The Bookworm): Sara always has her face in a book except for when it comes to challenges then she gets her game face on.

Katie (The Loner) Katie is the only girl is who is the outcast of the group. She is the loner of her team but hides her feelings for one speical guy on here.

The Host (Far Right)

Tony (The Host): Tony has a pair of sunglasses with him at all times. He's a pretty nice guy, and he likes to get drama started on his show (for better ratings).

Anyway, that's the cast! Stay tuned for more backgrounds and more information. And be sure to watch the show whn it comes out!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Couple Backgrounds

Okay, so the first picture is where the host introduces the show and says previously on Reality TV Gone Insane. Also, in the first episode, some contestants will stand there when thet arrive.

The other one is an angle of the Elimination Room. The contestants will sit at the chairs and the host will stand behind that desk. There will be more angles of that room.

More backgrounds to come. Also, I'm working on the group picture as well.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Finally Here!!!!!

TDMEpisodespage finished his characters, and they look awesome! Next picture will be the final cast, color, and the host!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reality TV Gone _____

Well, after awhile I realized Reality TV Gone Wild, didn't sound very good, so I changed it!

It is now called.......Reality TV Gone Insane!!!!

So, yeah.

Monday, March 8, 2010

At Last! All of the Characters!

These are all 22 characters I came up with. My friend on YouTube, TDMEpisodespage, is going to help me make this show on YouTube. He's making his own characters too. So, 9 of these characters will make it to the show.

Alright, so here's what's going on. The show is like Survivor and TDI, except it's different. There's 18 contestants. 9 girls, 9 guys. There will be two teams, The West Team and The East Team. Both teams will include some of my characters, and some of TDMEpisodespage's characters. There will be challenges and every episode WILL have an elimination. To keep it unique, nobody will return. Also, the challenges will be good ones. The location was going to be two camps with a totem pole, but that was too close to TDI. So, the location has not been confirmed. I want to have the eliminations at an elimination room. Everyone will vote. The host will call the contestant's name, and they will walk out of the room. The final 2 will look at a tv on the wall, and the eliminated loser will appear on the screen. My next post will have some background pictures. Along with the host I thought of.

The characters I've chosen are:

The Normal Girl (LeQuisha)

The Normal Guy (Zack)

The Conceded Geek (Macy)

The Loud-Mouth (Ro'Chelle)

The Popular Girl (Jessica)

The Tough Guy (Devonté)

The Obsessed Cleaner (Jamie)

The Deciever (Miranda)

The Cocky Guy (Aaron)

Now, I'm not sure if those are the best people to choose, so lt me know who you think should be on the show.