Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exciting Update!

Alright, so if you check the fundraiser at all, you'll notice that the goal was met! I'm extremely happy about that, in fact the goal was exceeded by 50 dollars, now that's an accomplishment.

Anyway, as for episode 1, it is nearing completion. I do apologize for the long wait (a couple years) but I've figured out how to make scenes extremely quick. Basically I've made a calendar, which tells me what I need to have done by the end of the day. If I meet the goal needed each day, then the episode will be done, which a this point is 2 1/2 weeks. This organization has not only been a success, but I've actually gotten two days ahead of schedule, which is great, however that doesn't give me an excuse to take any breaks.

School will be starting up next month as well, which will mean slowing down the animation process, which is always unhelpful, however I'm going to do my best to go as fast as I can.

During the first month, I have to direct my focus away from episode 2, and over to a short animation for a statewide contest. It's only 5 minutes long, so I'm almost positive it will be done either late August, or early September. Then it's right back to RTVGI! I really enjoy being so busy actually, it's a lot more interesting than sitting around.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I Need Help With My Fundraiser

Hey, as you've known I've been working on my show RTVGI, and I've come to the point where I can't finish it without purchasing one last program, and that last program is quite expensive. I made a fundraiser to help me achieve the amount and I would very much appreciate it if you could make a small donation, anything helps!

The link is: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/164167?a=834048

If you can't make a donation, that's totally fine, but if you could perhaps repost/share this, I'd appreciate it so much! Thanks again!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Learning New Strategies

Alright, so I'm just about to finish wrapping up another scene. A few announcements I have include new strategies, technology, and status.

I've recently figured out how to make animating scenes faster. What I first do is storyboard the scene, a MUST when it comes to animation, and after I do that, I need to draw all of the character poses first. Then I'll go into the animation process. Originally I'd just draw the pose, animate it, draw the next one, and so on. It takes longer to do that than you would think. So my that's how I'm doing my new strategy. Plus with those poses done, I'm going to reuse them of course and then I can just throw them on for the next scene, making it even faster.

Next up is having to purchase more technology. With all of the graphics programs, animation programs, video editing, etc., I need a much better computer. What's even worse is I'm using a pretty old computer at the moment. I've gotten some jobs that are helping me save money for the new computer and it's surprisingly working fast. The only thing is I also have to buy more programs in order to completely finish episode 1, in which my mom agreed she'd pay for if I bought my new computer (which is more expensive). It won't be too long, probably within next month or August I'll have enough money.

Lastly, the status of the show is I'm not exactly sure how far I am; I just know that I'm past five minutes. Scenes are going to go much faster now that I tried this new idea. For the past month I've been working on the same scene, and within tonight I made every remaining pose. So that scene will be finished tomorrow or the day after, which might have taken a month longer had I not changed my animating ways.

Basically my main goal is improving speed of the show. Also, I have a short animation that will be made after I finish episode 1, so that should be fun. It has nothing to do with a reality show, but it does use the same characters. You'll understand what I mean when I make it.

This summer has definitely been a lot more productive than last year.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Quick Update on RTVGI

This past month was CRAZY, I was so full of things to do it was insane! Sadly I was unable to animate very much during school because of 3 reasons.

1) I had to make a 15 minute video for school (took a month due to multiple video editing program problems), Perform an intense scene for Theater after school, and start to wrap up school work.

2) I recently learned I've been using the wrong ratio size for RTVGI, so I've had to change all the scenes to the right size (it wasn't too hard, it just required more work)

3) I've been animating at school mostly and we all have our own "H" drive, and mine became full during this month so I had to clear out some useless files in order to work on animation again. 

Basically I'm gonna do as much as I can while school starts to wrap up and then really get down to business during last summer. I've made it where I'm almost positive I won't run into any problems (unlike last summer) and I will finish episodes much faster.

I can guarantee episode 1 will be finished this summer and it's really exciting! Like I've said many times, episodes will be made faster once I finish episode 1, because I've had to create so many bg's, poses, etc. and I won't need to do that for the rest of the episodes. I might need to do a background or so, but it won't be too hard. Plus characters will start to be eliminated which I feel will be easier to animate the less characters I have.

Anyway, this was just a quick update for everyone keeping track of the show.

Also, I recently uploaded a more current version of the original RTVGI Preview, check it out!

I'm still pondering whether or not to upload episode 1 just for my voice actors, or for everyone...hmm...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Improving In Flash

So some updates on the show. As you can tell episode 1 still hasn't been finished, which isn't great news, however there are some reasons. The first reason is basically everything I made last year besides the scripts was a waste, because I used the wrong program for Flash. So once I finish remaking everything the rest of the episodes will be made much faster. Another reason is the animation I do is improving as I go, and I'm excited for everyone to see it. I get an idea for something and then I have to do it, so expect some pretty good animation.

Over time, I've been able to figure out how long it will take for me to finish episodes. However, I won't officially know until I start episode 2, which make be not as long with episode 1, but slightly long because I'll still be making some new character poses during the time. Anyway, it takes about 15 minutes to actually do the animating for the character, so the drawing part is the longest which I won't need to do for the rest of the episodes. Either later today or this week I'll upload a picture or two with some character poses so you can see them.